Enjoy your blooms for longer.
Cut the stem at an angle with a sharp pair of secateurs
Give the flowers a good drink (preferably overnight and in a cool dark room) before arranging your flowers.
Make sure that your vases/vessels are sparkling clean.
Cut the stem of the flower at an angle with a clean, sharp pair of secateurs. Cut the stem immediately before they go into the water.
You can also sear your flowers - plunge 10% of the stem in boiling water for around 10-60 seconds, depending on how woody the stem is. Make sure the steam does not touch the petals.
Take off any foliage that is below the water line. If left below the water line, this will create bacteria and the flowers will not last as long.
Take off as many as the leaves as possible. This will enable the water to go straight to the flower.
For woody stems, cut vertically up the stem.
Every few days change the water in the vase or vessel.
Every time you take your flowers out of water make sure you recut the stems at an angle.
Keep your flowers away from radiators and out of direct sunlight.
Keep your flowers away from fruit.
Enjoy your blooms for longer!