A Simple Autumn Garland

The shops are full of plastic autumn garlands at the moment. This is a more cost effective way to make a simple autumn garland for your home using autumn leaves from the garden.

You will need:

  • Foraged autumn leaves.

  • Twine.

  • Candle wax / bees wax.

  • An old pot.

Step 1:

I used the remnants of some used candles. You can use bees wax for a more biodegradable option. If you are using old candles, place them in the freezer. Once frozen, the remaining wax comes out of the candle holders more easily.

Step 2:

Place the candle wax in an old pot and heat until the wax has melted.

Pour any remaining wax into some tin foil to use at another time.

Step 3:

Dip the leaves in the wax (be careful as the wax is hot) and then leave to dry.

Step 4:

Once the leaves are dry, tie them to the twine. You can also use small pegs to add the leaves to the twine. I didn’t have any, so I used small pieces of twine instead.

Step 5:

Hang in your place of choice and enjoy!

The preserved leaves will last for a good few weeks. This took around 30 minutes to make and cost nothing!


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